The U.S. unemployment rate remained at 4.9 percent in July, the Labor Department said Friday.
Donald Trump just suffered through a brutal weekend.
Donald Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, has proposed banning immigrants from Muslim-majority countries. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested that Muslims who believe in Shariah should be deported. And former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Muslims on the federal government's terrorism watch list -- a secretive and some say overly broad list -- should be forced to wear electronic bracelets to monitor their whereabouts.
US President Barack Obama has delivered a stirring speech at the Democratic convention, hailing Hillary Clinton as his political heir and rounding on "home-grown demagogue" Donald Trump.
Donald Trump said Friday Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is his choice to be his running mate.
US President Barack Obama says the US is not as polarised as some have suggested in the wake of fatal shootings involving African-Americans.
The gunman killed in a stand-off with Dallas police said he wanted to kill white people, especially officers, the city's police chief has said.
US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been questioned by the FBI over her use of emails while she was secretary of state, her campaign says.
The US Supreme Court has struck down a 2013 Texas abortion law that imposed restrictive regulations on the procedure.
The campaign manager for presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been fired.
Dozens of US State Department officials have signed an internal memo protesting against US policy in Syria and calling for targeted military strikes against President Bashar al-Assad's government.