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Feb, 14 2025
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Iraqi Economic Development Strategies

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Like any other product, healthy foods need to be marketed effectively using features and benefits. Eating healthy and being active is becoming even more important to individuals who want to improve their lifestyle.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle makes your body stronger, your mind sharper, and gives you a sense of well-being. All is not rosy however; some health food brands do not convey their messages effectively to their target audience.
Promoting the benefits of healthy foods is one way to encourage customers to make healthier buying decisions despite a higher price point. Successfully communicating a product's advantages supports the value perceived by consumers and will result in more purchases.

It is important that this type of marketing clearly informs and educates consumers about all features the product offers and the benefits they are receiving. In other words, it helps the market to see the value in a product so that they view it as a great investment!
When marketing healthy food products, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Reap the benefits

  • Let customers know what they are getting before they buy the product
  • State health facts and inform that if they buy a product they will get something in return (energy boost, high fiber/protein, antioxidants etc)
  • State how the product will have a positive effect on wanting a healthy lifestyle. Example: The company Holy Crap has done an excellent job marketing their healthy breakfast cereals.
  • If the cost of the product is close to a less-healthy product – use that as an advantage. Consumers will be happy to know that eating a healthy product did not cost much more than a non-healthy product.
  • If the cost of the product is higher than a less-healthy product – use that as an advantage as well. State the benefits and nutritional value of the product compared to a product that does not offer anything close to that.


Bang for your buck

  • Make consumers aware that they are truly getting what they pay for. Nowadays, people are placing more value on good long-term health benefits and that translates into products that will provide them with good health as well.
  • The more a product can offer consumers, the more value it will create and the more willing they will be to pay. For example, buying one product that offers triple the nutritional value (vitamins, protein, vegetables, fruits etc) and less fat/calories than 3 other non-healthy products, that offer only one of those nutritional effects, is good value.

Product convenience

  • Proper packaging is very important. People like convenience and making food easy to store in their fridges/kitchens, or being able to take a product with them as an on-the-go travel item. Years ago, who would have thought yogurt in a tube would be such a hit?
  • Consumers like products that can last a longer period. It is important to market health food products as practical, convenient and accessible. This will make consumers' lives much easier and reinforces their purchase decision.
  • Cater health food product marketing to address/fit the consumers’ needs and lifestyles.

Food amount and variety has a big influence on your health.

Food is divided into different groups. It is very important to be careful and consume food from different groups. Being healthy means eating healthy food.
Food gives the body the energy needed for daily activities like walking, gym, playing football or riding a bike. It is also necessary for the normal bodily functions. However, no matter what age you are, it is very important to eat healthy food.
It is never late to start eating healthy food and improve you eating habits.
Here are some interesting and funny facts about healthy food:

  • Almonds are members of the peach family.
  • Banana is not a fruit; it is an herb.
  • Coffee beans are fruit pits.
  • Peanuts are actually legumes.
  • Ancient carrots were purple.
  • Apples are part of the rose family.
  • Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges.
  • Avocados are poisonous to birds.
  • Tomatoes were thought to be poisonous.
  • The water from the young coconut can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
  • One can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.
  • Canola oil is actually rapeseed oil.
  • For the past 30 years, the number of overweight teenagers has tripled and the number of overweight children has doubled. This is a very worrying fact!
  • - See more at:

Borce Velkovski


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